Basic Life Support Courses

Basic Life Support

Learn Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) here. Basic life support (BLS) is sequence of steps undertaken to provide CPR to a victim of cardiac arrest in every situation like home, at a public place or at a hospital as it may happen to any one, any where. You don't have to be a doctor or a nurse to provide help in such a situation. Friend or a bystander is the best person to provide help to a victim of sudden cardiac arrest as he / she may be the only person close to the victim at the time of emergency to provide this life saving help before definitive advance care is available .

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IAP BLS Course for HCPs (Provider Level)

This course is designed for Doctors from any discipline. Hands on trai...

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Non Medical Persons Certificate course (Lay persons) in IAP BLS

The course is specially designed for non medical persons of the societ...

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IAP BLS Course For Nurses And Paramedics

Recommended for all Nurses and Paramedics In this Certification cours...

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IAP BLS Mass Awareness Program

For large gatherings of public: Provides Overview of CPR and BLS throu...

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IAP BLS Instructor Course

Half day course for eligible and interested successful candidates from...

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