Advance Life Support
Advanced Life Support (ALS) is a set of life-saving protocols and skills needed to prevent death. Healthcare providers who are caring for sick children need to identify child with a potential life threatening condition and initiate measures to postpone death i.e. Advance Life Support before definitive measures like antimicrobials or antitoxins etc would reverse the underlying ailment.

Nurses - Advanced Module Certificate course in ALS
Nurses who want to become instructors and get advanced training, who a...
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IAP ALS Provider course for HCPs
Recommended for every doctor caring for sick children: Candidates shou...
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IAP-ALS Instructor Course
IAP-ALS Instructor Course only by invitation to the successful delegat...
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Nurses Basic IAP ALS Program
Basic training in IAP ALS for every Nurse: abridged version of the Cer...
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